Sunday, October 5, 2014

Upcoming Blog Appearance & Giveaway and a Huge Congratulations

Once again I've allowed two weeks to go by in between posts. Life has been crazy and I've been really busy outside of my writing. The last couple of weeks have been a blur, as was last weekend. I'm finally able to slow down for a bit, though I really shouldn't.

I got a new story back from my editor last week and all I can say is this - Thank God I have a great editor! Seriously. I thought the story was okay. Not great, but okay. I was in love with a specific character, and well, she wasn't. :( It took me several days of rewrites before I finally got this guy figured out and I saw exactly what she was talking about. Anyone who thinks they don't need an editor, or a good proofreader or beta readers, should read the comments back and forth between my editor and me. I wonder how in the hell I ever thought that story was good to go as it was. More on that story another time.

Want good - free - entertainment? Go to a child's birthday party where three families who don't like each other are forced to congregate for a few hours. I'd laugh if it wasn't a birthday party for a very special little person in my life. Maybe I'll laugh another time. At the moment, all I'll say is that I'm glad it's over.

There's not much more going on in my world worth mentioning at the moment. I (again) had to put real life stuff on hold to take care of rewrites so I'll be focusing on my other responsibilities hardcore this week.  I've not done such a great job of it so far. I'm lucky that I have great people in my life who are more than a little understanding when I have my crazy writing days. My man brings me chocolate and my dear friend is the most patient person in the world. Both of which also get my ADHD moments and love me anyway. Who could ask for more than that? 

I want to give a huge shout out to On Top Down Under Book Reviews, who will be celebrating their 2 year anniversary during the entire month of October. I have been kindly asked to be part of the celebration and will offer giveaways of Taking Lance and Keeping Lance, and if it's ready to go by then, Being Karen. There are a ton of great authors being spotlighted throughout the month and I have to say it's more than a little thrilling (and intimidating) to be thrust in the middle of all that great talent. I hope you'll stop by and check it out. I'm scheduled to be there October 24th through the 26th. Don't stop by just for me. When you see the list of all the authors who will be visiting (click the above link), you'll be wanting to stop by every day. Show the authors some love and comment on their posts. You might win copies of outstanding books. I've read quite a few of those authors and I promise you that you can't go wrong with any of them.

My Alabama Crimson Tide football team had their first loss of the season on Saturday. It was depressing to see us lose literally in the final seconds, but the other team outplayed us. I'm bummed, but there's always next week and we have a lot of season to go yet. 

I hope everyone is having a great weekend. I'm off to get back to those adult responsibilities I've gotten behind on.

Until next time,

~ Candi Kay


  1. I always enjoy your posts. I totally get the crazy family. Mine are not darling to deal with either :) I'll look you up on the On Top thing.

    1. Thanks so much! I'm learning to ignore those crazy family members. ;)
