Monday, September 22, 2014

Upcoming Short Story: Blurb, Excerpt and Cover

Update 11/06/2014 - Still new to self-publishing, I had no idea that you can't add a book as a freebie on Amazon. I wish to keep all books in the series together, so I was forced to put a price tag on it for publication. It will be sold for .99 (U.S.). When I'm able, I'll do a free promotion for a few days on Amazon. It will, once it goes through the publication process, be free to Kindle Unlimited users immediately.


I wanted to give you a small taste of my upcoming Amazon short, Being KarenBeing Karen is listed as  #2.5 of the Taking Lance series, but you don't have to read the others to get Karen's story. She was only in Keeping Lance for a few pages but she made an impact, so I had to give her more page time. Fair warning, it's not much more than sex, sex, and a little more sex. Karen doesn't discriminate when it comes to her sex partners. She'll do anybody. *grin*

I also wanted to reintroduce the readers to Travis Jordan, one of the main characters in the upcoming third Taking Lance story, Saving Travis. Travis was in the same scene as Karen and her husband with Rick Preston in Keeping Lance, so what better way to intro the upcoming book than revisiting that scene? I only recently finished it so it has to go through the editing process, but once it does, it will be on Amazon. I'll publish the links everywhere once it goes live. I hope you'll check it out.

Note that the blurb and excerpt listed below are unedited and subject to change before the story is published. The cover may also change slightly before publication. 

The excerpt shows the exact moment Karen discovered how to take advantage of men (and women) by using her body.


Karen learned as a teenager that her body could take her places. From getting grades changed by professors, to being given a condo and car, she has used her body to get ahead for years. Men, women or even both at the same time, Karen was never picky as long as she got off or got something in return. While stripping at a local club, she meets her future husband. Love wasn't supposed to be in the cards, nor was fidelity, but one glance at Aaron and she fell hard. After a few months of faithful wedded bliss, she starts getting antsy and is again craving rough encounters with strangers. She loves her husband deeply so the others would only be about sex. Does she risk losing Aaron or does she bring him into her playtime with others? Maybe Aaron has playtime plans of his own.

Being Karen is Part 2.5 of the Taking Lance series.

12,200 words (approximately)

Tags: M/F, F/F, F/F/M, M/M, M/M/F, Gay/Bisexual Erotica


I know you want to fuck me, Mr. Grantley,” I whispered as I stroked his cock inside his shorts. “You want inside my tight pussy so bad you can taste it. I've seen you watching me in class.” I hadn't. “I bet you've stroked yourself behind your big desk fantasizing about bending me over and fucking me from behind.” Had he? “You raise my grade so I can graduate and I'll lay back on your desk and let you do whatever you want to do to me.”
Karen, I-”
I placed a finger over his lips as I kept stroking his dick.
I want you inside me so bad,” I lied, “I go to bed at night and fuck myself with my fingers imagining your big, hard dick inside my pussy.” That never happened. “So, what do you say, Mr. Grantley? I'll take off my skirt and panties right now and give you what you want.”
My wife-”
Isn't here and won't know anything about it unless you tell her.” I ran my tongue over the outside of his ear as I spoke, hoping it would have the same effect as it did on the people in the porn I'd gotten addicted to online. It did. He groaned and thrust his body forward as I gripped the head of his cock.
I can't raise your grade, Karen. It wouldn't be right,” he grunted as he continued to fuck my hand. 
I roughly pulled away and he groaned in protest.
Doing something else I'd seen online, I licked his precum off the inside of my hand, my eyes on his the whole time.
Then you don't get my pussy,” I stated clearly.
Karen, I could lose my job.”
Mr. Grantley,” I said angrily, “I have to graduate with my class. If I don't, my mother has threatened to send me to live with my grandmother in Wisconsin.” Another lie. “I can't go live with that woman. She has five cats and her house stinks.”
I could lose my job,” he said again, his eyes back on my breasts. I took his cock in my hand again, gave it a squeeze, then let go.
Do you know how many,” I motioned with my head toward the office door, “boys out there would kill to be in your place right now? Or the teachers? Mr. Howell gets a hard-on every time I walk in his class. I've never offered my pussy to him and I'm failing his History class too.” Another lie, though I'd have spread my legs for that man any day of the week.
I re-clasped my bra and grabbed my shirt off the desk, purposely leaving my purse sitting there. When I got to the door, I glanced over my shoulder at him as I pulled my shirt back over my head. “Maybe I will.”
I turned back and grabbed the doorknob. Mr. Grantley did exactly as I had hoped. He pressed his body against my back and ground his now exposed cock against the denim of my skirt.
We can work something out,” he whispered, then brought his hands around and squeezed my boobs so hard I almost cried out. “Take everything off. Now.”
Not until you change my grade in your computer,” I said through gritted teeth. He was squeezing me hard.
No. You'll leave if I do that.”
I pulled away and glared at him.
Fine. I let you fuck me and you don't change my grade, I tell everyone you took advantage of me in your office,” I said with an evil smile.
I'll do it,” he responded. “Promise.”


  1. Ooo, a hot freebie!! I LOVED the excerpt. I'm looking forward to reading about Karen and her bod for sin, you go, gurl. Get them grades :):)

    1. Thanks! I hope you enjoy the little story. It's pretty much nothing but Karen being a naughty, naughty girl. *grin*
