Thursday, October 1, 2015

Quickie Updates, This and That, and Eye Candy

Just to prove I'm still alive and well (really!), I'm popping in for a quickie post. My life has not been my own for the past few weeks, so my apologies for disappearing. A huge thank you to all the kind folks who haven't given up on me and who have sent such amazing messages. You guys rock. Seriously.

I do have book updates, but I'll post them when I'm closer to publication. There are 3 (2 gay erotica/romance and 1 hetero erotica) that should be published soon. They are still in the editing process so I'll hold off on posting info just yet. I also have a couple of holiday stories I've been trying to get ready before November. I'm crossing my fingers that will happen. One is the kinda/sorta sequel to Willy the Kinky Elf & His Bad-Ass Reindeer. The new story will be in the same world (with quite a bit of Willy and Randy), but it will focus on two new main characters. The other holiday story is about a cute mall elf who falls for the newest mall Santa. I can't wait to update you guys on those stories and the others.

I mentioned in a blog post a couple of months ago that I was going to do a revamp of my blog and add new purchase links, etc. I've not had time, but I hope to do it soon. My books are now all over the place, though. I'll add updated links soon. Promise.

Because I've been so bad about posting, I'm not going to bore you with my ramblings. How about a bit of eye candy instead? I've decided that when I don't have a lot to say in a blog post I'll still do posts with photos and GIFs, because come on! Who doesn't love looking at beautiful people? That's my story and I'm sticking to it anyway. *grin*  My theme today is couples. I didn't plan it that way, but that's what I kept going to on my computer and Pinterest.

Note that if you are bothered by two men together, you probably don't want to scroll down. But then again, if you are, you're probably on the wrong blog.

I hope everyone is doing well. 

Until next time,

~Candi Kay

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that there'll be more Willy, you can never have enough willy *g*

    That eye candy is droolworthy. Ooo the bottom guys look like the Patriota twins. Yum!
