Friday, December 11, 2015

Thank You, Giveaway, Fun New Site, & Updated Information

I'll start with a giveaway. Everyone loves giveaways, right? Between now and December 16th, there's a giveaway going on at On Top Down Under Book Reviews for e-copies of both of my "Willy" stories. Stop by, say hi, and comment for a chance to win the books! I'm also sending a huge thank you to On Top Down Under for hosting me! You can find the giveaway here. Just leave a comment on the post and you've been entered to win.

Also, I have changed my Facebook info listed on the right of this blog. While I still have my author page, I also created a different account. Folks were talking about my books on Facebook and I wasn't able to respond or say thank you with the author page. Now I can.

Click the Facebook icon and request me as a friend or you can follow me. I don't bite. Much. ;)

Now to other stuff -

When I published Willy the Kinky Elf & His Bad-Ass Reindeer last year, I never could've imagined that people would embrace the story and that world as they have. I had assumed I'd throw my goofy story out there, a few would read it, and then I'd get scolded for the way I wrote the North Pole. Not only did that not happen, but I've received some of the nicest messages and reviews from readers who enjoy my version of Santa and Mrs. Claus. I'm in awe. Seriously.

Willy's story was originally written for a publisher submission call. I've blogged about this in the past, but I'm going to bring it up again because a lot of people don't know the story behind it. I saw the submission call on the publisher site and figured, "Why not? I can totally write that story." To make a long and frustrating story short, that publisher was in the process of changing owners and I was jerked around for 16 weeks. In other words, I could do nothing with the story at all until they said one way or another. Finally, on the 16th week, I sent them an email telling them to remove my story from consideration. There wasn't so much as a courtesy email response back from them. No yes. No no. No anything. So I self-published. I have to say that was one of the best things I've done since I started publishing my work.

Then we get to Evan the Virgin Reindeer & His Sexy Buck. At no time while writing Willy and Randy's story did the thought of a sequel enter my mind. They got their HEA. What was left? Apparently quite a bit. I received several messages from wonderful readers asking me to revisit that world. I didn't make any promises, but I said I'd try and see how it went. Well, it went much better than I expected and Evan and Derek's story was born shortly after.

One of the best compliments an author can get is when readers ask for more. You guys did it with Willy and Randy and now after Evan and Derek, I'm again being asked to write a story in that world. How awesome is that?

Well, I'm happy to say that there will be a 3rd story in my North Pole. At the moment (though it can easily change once I start writing it), it will be about Blake Simpson, the rogue reindeer from Evan the Virgin Reindeer & His Sexy Buck. Blake was written to be a total jerk and I think that shows pretty clearly. At no time did I plan to give him his own story.

I'll tell you something about Blake without giving away spoilers for those who haven't read the story yet..... the way he was originally written never would've had anyone wanting his story. While he was a jerk in the published book, he was a hell of a lot worse before I went back in and rewrote his character. The only thing that had me changing him was that he was originally written to be a lot more violent and evil. I had to rewrite his character because the series is meant to be in fun and he went beyond what the books are meant to be about - fun, goofy, and sexy. I guess in the back of my mind, the idea of giving him his own story was there or his story wouldn't have ended as it did in Evan. I've also been threatened by my author buddy if I don't redeem the guy. :) I believe I know the story from start, middle to finish already, but again. that's likely to change when I start writing. For that reason, I won't give a bunch of details.

Oh, and because I thought it was so cool? I loved, loved, LOVED my stories being put on someone's "weird shit" shelf on Goodreads. Thanks, Tara!

Another thing I have to mention because I've received messages about this as well -

Yes, there is a and it belongs to me. Before that was added to Evan and Derek's story, I did a thorough search online to make sure I wasn't listing something that actually existed in the real world. A couple of weeks ago my best friend and I were discussing the book and she suggested I do something with I popped online, found out it was available, and then I purchased the domain before I could really think much about it. In the days since, RS, our resident anonymous gossip reindeer, starting having entirely too much fun adding secrets from the North Pole.

What should you expect on the site? If you've read the two books, you know I like writing goofy and silly. This will be no different. Don't go into it expecting anything more than that. It's being written from the point of view of an anonymous, gossiping reindeer and there will be 'guest' posts by elves and maybe another reindeer or two. There will be crime reports, North Pole gossip, an "in the news" section, a NSFW section (expect REALLY naughty pics and GIFs there), and I'll even be contributing with freebie stories from that world. These stories won't be much more than sex scenes with some of my favorite characters. You won't have to read these stories as a build up for future stories, promise. You'll still get the full story when I publish book #3 and beyond (if there's a want for beyond).

This has been an amazing ride and I'm appreciative beyond measure. I write because I enjoy it and I write for my own sanity. I've been doing it for as long as I've been old enough to hold a notebook and pen in my hand. If someone would've told me a year and a half ago that people would be reading my books, I'd have called them a liar. Why would anyone want to read what I've written? I'm so thankful to have been proven wrong. I love you all. Seriously.

In my last blog post I mentioned my mall Santa story. While the story was complete weeks ago, I'm rethinking putting it out this year. I love the story. As in, I think it's probably one of my favorites I've written to date. However, there were a couple of glitches in the story line that I'm iffy about and I've not had the time to devote to fixing them. It won't be published until I know 100% it's what I want. Right now it's just not there. I will likely put it on hold until next year.

Oh, I've been put on Pinterest probation for a specific photo I re-pinned recently. Yes, it was naughty and it was quite graphic, but come on! It didn't matter that I wasn't the one who originally pinned the photo. Someone complained and my profile was checked out and I've been warned. I'm saying this because I've had to take a step back from there over the past week or so. I see stuff and want to re-pin, but I don't because it could get me kicked off the site. In other words, I'm backing away from temptation. :)

Again, thank you to everyone who has embraced my crazy version of the North Pole and the characters who live there. And thank you for asking for more.

Until next time,

~Candi Kay

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